Things to Consider When Budgeting for Mobile App Development


Can you imagine having to survive without your mobile device? That concept would be tough to grasp for most people, even if it were just for a single day. Mobile devices have become a part of our day-to-day routine — they’re something we rely on constantly. 

In 2019, the average adult spent over 3 hours and 40 minutes on their mobile device daily. They check their smartphone nearly 63 times per day and these numbers are only increasing with Generation Z (ages 16-24). 

By 2022, there will be over 4 billion mobile users in the world. By 2022, annual downloads will increase to over 250 billion and consumer spending on those apps will increase to $157 billion. The point here is simple — if you have an idea for a mobile app, the time to do something about it is right now. 

Companies have seen their business expand at a rapid pace once they enter the mobile community — and yours can too! Unfortunately, most companies will shy away from it or procrastinate due to fear over the cost. 

The truth is a mobile app can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $1,000,000. Most companies will spend around $50,000-$200,000, but there will be plenty of factors playing a role in that final cost. If you’re putting together a budget for your mobile app development, taking these factors into consideration can help you formulate an effective plan. 

To make that plan work, you should ask yourself the following questions.

What is going to make your mobile app unique?

Every mobile app is unique in its own way. The features, functionality, and purpose of your mobile app will not only play a factor in how much it will cost, but how your app is perceived by users. The more unique your app is, the more time it will take to develop — and time is money when it comes to development. 

For example, let’s say you own a pizza shop and want to develop an app for your customers. A simple app that displays your information, menu, and contact information won’t cost as much as an app that allows customers to order and pay directly through the app.

Where will users be able to access your mobile app?

Contrary to popular belief, not all apps are created equal. Chances are you’ll be looking to make your app available on all platforms and devices, but that could prove to be a costly move. 

In terms of development time and cost, iOS is a much quicker and cheaper option than Android. This is largely due to the fact that Android devices come in over 18,000 different screen sizes, compared to the select few that iOS has.

You’ll also have to decide if it will be available on just phones, or if you’ll include tablets as well. This can extend your budget as well. Whether you’re going with a native app or a hybrid app, you’ll see your end cost differ.

Want to start your own startup?

Will your app require additional integration?

Third-party apps can be integrated with your mobile app to increase the user experience for everyone involved. It can even assist your developers in creating a more premium product in less time. One of the most common integrations with mobile apps would be social media, but there are endless opportunities. 

You’ll also want to think about integrating your app with the features on smartphones or tablets. There’s a lot of useful hardware on phones like the GPS, Touch ID, Camera, Accelerometer, and Microphone. While these will enhance the experience, it will also increase your budget. 

Have you thought about what happens after you release your app?

Many companies will go through the entire development stage without a gimmick to worry about, but that can all go wrong once your app is released. Most developers take quality assurance and testing seriously before releasing it, but that won’t mean anything unless you have future plans with the app. 

Maintenance is going to be needed at some point, sometimes sooner than other times. If your developer doesn’t provide maintenance, you’ll have to hire a separate person that has no experience with your app. In addition to that, you’ll likely want to make updates and expand in the future, so keeping your developer around for that will be beneficial, as well. 

And the most important factor of them all…

This typically goes without saying, but who your developer is will play the biggest role in the cost and success of your project. You have plenty of options ahead of you, whether you decide to hire a single developer, a rookie, someone with decades of experience, a hand-selected team of developers, or a company that provides these services. 

You’ll also want to think about where those developers are coming from. You can normally find cheaper services when dealing with offshore developers. An in-house team will come with the most benefits, but also costs the most. 

When it comes to experience, you will definitely get what you pay for and that’s why it’s so important when considering your budget for mobile app development. 

Now that you have a broad idea of what to expect, it’s time to start turning that dream into reality. Before you know it, you’ll be entering one of the most direct, diverse, and populated industries in the world — the mobile community.

Contact us today if you have any questions about your mobile app idea and how we can help build it!



Photo by Africa Studio on Shutterstock

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