While both terms are commonly mistakingly used interchangeably, they stand for different things, and there are many differences between CRM and CMS. Read on our article to discover the key differences between CRM and CMS.
What is CRM?
A Customer Relationship Management system is a database for persuasion and customer relationship management — the software version of a marketing funnel. You put contacts in the CRM database, and then it tells you to interact with them, like send them emails. If contacts reply to those emails, the CRM keeps track of that and suggest what to do next. It can serve as a great tool to automate some tasks. Suppose you want to build a big business. In that case, a custom CMS can be a solution for you – it can provide your marketing and sales team with the information they will need to attract new clients and keep your business profitable successfully.
What’s a CMS?
A Content Management System is a place to make the content you plan to publish. CMS can be the skeleton of your website, online store, or even a web application. If you’re a little company, you can use WordPress to publish a blog or Shopify to sell things online. However, if you want to build a big business – a custom CMS can be a solution for you. A CMS will help you run your website, which will serve as a storefront of your business.
Neither one is a magic bullet.
Neither CMSes nor CRMs make HTML pages for your browser or send messages by themselves. Each one plays its own role in the chain between the business and the client.
If you are interested in learning more about CMSes and CRMs or want to start the development process, contact us today, and we’ll gladly assist you.
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