Mobile App Developer in Virginia Beach
With so many good mobile app development firms around the world, and with the savings that can be achieved through outsourcing, it’s hard to see the reasons why you should hire a local company. However, working with an app developer in Virginia Beach does have its benefits. Here are some of them:
Better communication
Depending on your industry and business, instant and effective communication can be key to success. Working with someone from the other side of the planet and crossing cultural boundaries can be complex even in our globalized world. On the other hand, local companies have a shared understanding of business, culture, and various standards that you have to operate within.
No timezone-related issues
You will also have to deal with timezone-related issues when you outsource software development. Your product may face delays due to hangups in the approval process. Meetings may also be harder to set up because you will only have a few shared business hours between the two companies.
Let’s say your developer finishes a mockup that requires approval and sends it over at 6 PM your time. You have already left the office, so you reply the following day, setting up a meeting. By this time, the developer has finished his workday, and he will only see your message at the end of your day. If there has to be a back and forth regarding the meeting’s time, and then extra delays on the meeting itself, you have already lost a few days. These days can stack up over a long project, leading to weeks of lost productivity.
An understanding of local and national regulations
Finally, you will have to deal with local and national regulations issues, which your developer may not be familiar with. In the US, you have regulations regarding data privacy, security, and intellectual property, among others. If your developer is not familiar with these regulations, not only will you have to explain them, you would also have to understand how they need to be implemented into the software. This may be beyond your expertise, and it may incur extra costs. An experienced local developer is familiar with these regulations and will implement them into the software with no additional guidance.
Contact App Developer in Virginia Beach
There are many other benefits to working with a local app developer in Virginia Beach. If you are interested in finding out more, or if you would like to hire a mobile app developer in Virginia Beach, contact us today.
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